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AuraOrmus is a harmonic mineral complex made in South African that measures at 690 on the Map of Consciousness.

It's frequency is between that of embodying peace and enlightenment. 

Taken orally in an Ormus state, essential minerals act like a super-charger on the bodies cells, allowing clearer cell-to-cell communication. We call it bio-active cell food because high-spin atoms pass energy along with no loss of energy.

This equates to a healthy energy body showing improvement in overall auric layers within 3 minutes of being ingested.




Healthy Auric field

Enhanced mental clarity

Sustained energy

Increase well-being

Immune system support




Crystal Essences, like Flower Remedies are known as vibrational or energy medicine. There are many similarities between Crystal Essences and Flower Remedies, but the main difference is how the essences made from plants and flowers affect the person in comparison to how Crystal Essences affect the person. Where Flower Remedies harness the conscious and life force energy of the plant or flower, Crystal Essences contain the piezoelectrical qualities of crystals, gemstones and minerals.


In a very literal sense, these flowers of the earth, i.e. crystals, gemstones and minerals, hold a very stable crystalline structure and with this, a very stable vibration (message/energy) that is embedded in the Crystal Essence. When wanting to bring more stability to the person's mind, emotions, spirit and body, it makes sense to bring in a very stable, unchanging energy. The crystalline structures of flowers and plants — like humans — are unstable and can be affected by energy and thought patterns and can become unbalanced.

Crystal Essences, containing the piezoelectric energies of crystals, gemstones and minerals, have the ability to tap into the vibration of the physical and subtle bodies, bringing to the surface any unconscious patterns of behaviour and be a catalyst for change. Ethereal in their nature, Crystal Essences help to stabilise the etheric body, which effects the physical body in a positive way to effect change from within. - Healthy Choice-2010 

The individual Chakra Crystal Essences focus on uncovering any dysfunctions and issues related to the specific Chakra.


R170.00 excluding shipping (if necessary)

30ML = 600 Drops



Crystal Essences enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use. Crystal Essences, or Crystal drops as some people like to call them, can be taken directly from the dosage bottle.


Add 3 to 7 drops of this Crystal Essence to a glass of water and sip at intervals throughout the day.

For best results, use still spring water or distilled water.

Place 3 drops directly on the tongue.

Place 3 to 7 drops of this Crystal Essence in your bath water.

Place 1 to 3 drops of this Crystal Essence directly on the relevant Chakra.

Base Chakra Essence

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Base Chakra. It assists in strengthening survival instincts and instilling feelings of security. It promotes independence and a good sense of one's own power, while reducing hyperactivity, fear, and vengeful feelings. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one's mother, and past and present lovers.

Crystals used:
Hematite, Red Coral, Tektite,Red Jasper, Cinnabar, Black Obsidian, Ruby, Garnet, Fire Agate, Blood Stone, Schorl, Lodestone

Heart Chakra Essence

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Heart Chakra. It assists in developing love. It promotes compassion, empathy, acceptance, generosity and love, while reducing jealousy, insecurity and disconnected feelings. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to anyone you've loved.


Crystals used:
Green Calcite, Green Fluorite, Kutnahurite, Danburite, Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Moss Agate, Pink Petalite, Peridot, Green Corundum, Kunzite, Chrysoprase, Emerald

Sacral Chakra Essence

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Sacral Chakra. It assists in developing creativity. It promotes courage, assertion, acceptance of sexuality and fertility, while reducing low self-esteem, sluggishness, feelings of inferiority and infertility. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one's parents, and past and present lovers, needy people, unborn children and thought forms.


Crystals used:
Petrified Wood, Carnelian, Creedite, Vanadinite, Orange Calcite, Chiastolite, Moonstone, Sun Stone, Amber, Ammolite, Enhydro Quartz, Ocean Jasper

Throat Chakra Essence

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Throat Chakra. It assists in developing communication and self-expression. It promotes truth-speaking and receptivity, while reducing dogma and the inability to verbalise thoughts or feelings. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one's teachers, mentors, gurus, masters and thought forms.


Crystals used:
Kyanite, Larimar, Angelite, Aqua Aura, Turquoise, Blue Tourmaline, Smithsonite, Blue Fluorite, Blue Topaz, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite, Apatite

Solar Plexus Chakra Essence

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Solar Plexus. It assists in developing emotional connection. It promotes empathy and good energy assimilation, while reducing emotional baggage and emotional imbalances. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one's relatives, needy people and previous relationships.


Crystals used:
Citrine, Ametrine, Pyrite, Yellow Fluorite, Tiger's Eye, Amber, Yellow Calcite, Sulphur, Yellow Jasper, Imperial Topaz, Yellow Tourmaline, Golden Beryl

Third Eye Chakra Essence

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Third Eye. It assists in developing Intuition and mental connection. It promotes intuition, vision and perception, while reducing fear and attachments to the past. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one's ancestors or relatives and thought forms.


Crystals used:
Labradorite, Moldavite, Sodalite, Gem Silica, Sapphire, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Danburite, Papagoite, Scolecite, Diamond, Cavansite, Opal

Crown Chakra Essence

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Crown Chakra. It assists in developing spiritual connection. It promotes humanitarianism, mysticisms and generosity, while reducing arrogance, over-imagination and abuse of power. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one's mentors and spiritual entities.


Crystals used:
Apophyllite, Danburite, Amethyst with Goethite inclusions, Purple Fluorite, Tanzanite, Selenite, Opal, Alexandrite, Sugilite, Diamond, Moldavite, Aegirine

This essence grounds oneself in the body and physical world, counteracting spaciness and confusion. It purifies and protects the aura allowing one to attune to the white light of Divine Essence. It balances polarities and harmonises the astral, subtle and causal bodies, aligning them correctly with the physical. It stimulates Kundalini energy that clears and strengthens each of the chakras.


The crystals used in this essence are: 

Hematite, Apache Tears, Boji Stones, Smoky Quartz, Red Jasper, Healer's Gold, Schorl, Kyanite, Diamond, Moss Agate, Magnetite 

Crystal Essence
Grounding & Centring Essence

Details of the crystals used in this Grounding and Centring essence:


  • Hematite — Most effective for grounding oneself in the body and the physical world. Counteracts spaciness and confusion. Balance the auric field and align the chakras. Balances male and female energies. Assists one in carrying a very high frequency while still remaining connected to the Earth and one's own body.

  • Apache Tears — Grounding and protection from negative energies. Cleanses and heals old wounds or emotional 'baggage'. Assists in purifying the meridians and chakras. Vitalises and purifies the blood while lending strength and stamina on a physical level.

  • Boji Stones — Balances and aligns the subtle bodies and chakras. Excellent grounding stone.

  • Smoky Quartz — Premier grounding stone. Facilitates grounding of spiritual information, making it possible to do something practical and beneficial with the insights one receives from the higher vibrational planes. Protects against negativity.

  • Red Jasper — Strengthens the Root Chakra. Stimulates Kundalini energy which activates, clears and strengthens each of the chakras.

  • Healer's Gold — Harmonises the astral, subtle and causal bodies and aligns them correctly with the physical. Balances male and female energies. Activates weak or lazy chakras and enhances the flow of subtle energies throughout the meridian system. Grounding light into the physical body.

  • Schorl — Offers psychic protection. Clears the aura of imbalance and destructive energies. Creates a grounding circuit with the Earth's energetic field. 

  • Kyanite — Rapidly transfers energy. Links physical, astral and causal bodies, stimulating full consciousness. Creates pathways of energy where none where before.

  • Herkimer Diamond — Picks up, magnifies and broadcasts the frequencies of other stones. Purifies one's energy field and attunes one to the white Light of Divine Essence. 

  • Moss Agate — Emanates vibrations of balance and stability in the physical domain. Grounds by connecting one to the Earth while stimulating psychic contact with elementals and Nature spirits. Enhances mental concentration, persistence, endurance and brining one's goals to completion.

  • Magnetite — Balances polarities. Acts as a dynamic anchor, keeping one firmly connected with the body while brining in tall the subtle energies, aligning them with the physical self. Harmonises other grounding stones. 


Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals can react with water to produce toxic chemicals that are not fit for human or animal consumption. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals may be damaged by water. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals are light sensitive and it is not advisable to place them in direct sunlight. Consult with a qualified and experienced Crystal Healer before attempting to create crystal essences at home.


CONTACT: Janine Zitianellis


MOBILE: +27 83 764 2177

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This website and it's contents are not intended to replace medical or psychological advice. Whenever you have concerns about your health or mental well-being, you should seek and follow the advice of a qualified medical or mental health practitioner together with seeking support from an Energy Healing practitioner.

By J. Zitianellis, Copyright © 2013-24    The Energetic Body Healing Centre. All rights reserved.

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